Supported Independent Living (SIL) - Sunshine Coast
What is Supported Independent Living (SIL)?
Your Best Life Independent Living is a Supported Independent Living (SIL) provider on the Sunshine Coast, Noosa, Moreton and Gympie regions. SIL refers to the funding provided by the NDIA to pay for supports in and outside of the home for everyday activities. These supports may include assistance with household tasks, personal care, accessing appointments, grocery shopping, going to a restaurant, medical appointments, and being transported to social and community-based activities.
SIL also includes support, supervision and/or prompting provided by support workers to enable NDIS participants to develop their daily living skills to be as independent as possible in everyday life.
SIL can be offered in multiple settings such as group homes, rental homes, public housing, participants’ own homes, or in a Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).
What SIL services does Your Best Life Independent Living offer?
Your Best Life Independent Living will work closely with participants to find out what “home” means to you. We actively support participants in implementing the service that suits them and provides the highest quality of support throughout the process.
- Expert and practical guidance in navigating complex NDIS processes from pre-planning for your NDIS meeting through to the implementation of your choice of supports.
- Our approach to working with you starts with discovering what “home” means to you. We consult with you and your other key key people in your life.
- Working with you to help make connections with other NDIS participants and your informal/formal supports in order to become an active member of your local community or community of interests.
- 24/7 support available and a manager on call at all times for any emergencies that arise.
- Flexible and responsive services tailored to the individual.
- Assistance through the NDIS psychosocial pathway to access housing options.
- Access to positive behaviour support specialists, Positive Behaviour Support Plans (PBSP) , and Behaviour Support Strategies (BSS) authoring, training and implementation through our specialist partner Mindcare Mental Health Services.